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Bitte lesen Sie den Haftungsausschluss, bevor Sie eine Sitzung buchen oder auf der Webseite fortfahren.

Indem Sie auf der Webseite fortfahren und an einer Heilungssitzung oder Lesung teilnehmen, wird davon ausgegangen, dass dem Haftungsausschluss und den Bedingungen zugestimmt wurde.


1. This webpage and all its content belongs to Hannah Gauss. Hannah holds the intellectual property over all artwork, photographs, designs, writings, audios and other content displayed on this webpage.

2. It is prohibited to republish or reprint any of the original artwork, photographs, writing and other content without Hannah's written consent. Please note that all artwork in form of photographs, writing, paintings, designs is protected under copyright law. Unauthorized use of copyright material, whether it be reproduction, reposting, transmission, modification or any other means without written permission from Hannah Gauss is seen as infringement and will be legally pursued. 

3. Purchasing any photography, drum or artwork does not transfer copyright. Copyright always remains with Hannah Gauss. 

4. All information is for educational purpose only. 

5. Terms and conditions are subject to periodic changes. This changes will be communicated.

Healing Sessions

1. Any healing or reading session provided by Hannah does not subsidize for professional advice or services, such as legal services, medical treatment or psychological diagnosis. It also does not replace such. Any treatment are complimentary and do not attempt to diagnose, treat or cure illness. Please see a professional for those services and when experiencing prolonged physical discomfort or require long-term psychological treatment.

2. Any information provided during a healing does not replace professional legal, medical or psychological diagnosis or service. 

3. Energy work focuses on healing patterns and easing current or past difficulties. Exploring our past can often brings up uncomfortable memories or emotions. This is very much an individual journey for personal development, taken at the individual's own risk.

4. Energy healing may trigger a healing crisis, that manifests itself with physical symptoms. This is an expected outcome of a Shamanic healing session and has been communicated before the start. Hannah Gauss cannot be held liable for these symptoms. Information provided are mere guidelines. Viewers + participants should make their own inquiries and judgments before acting on any information it contains.

5. Please know that if you choose to act upon any information provided on the website or in a session, you do so at your own risk. Information provided during a session or healing is given by Spirit and is based on the current circumstances, energies and accumulated decisions you have made. This can change.

6. Last-minute cancellation cannot be refunded. A cancellation must be done at least 24h before the start of the session.

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