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Image by Brian Patrick Tagalog
Writer's pictureHannah Gauss

Brigid - The Power of the Dreaming

Updated: Apr 19

It's quiet on the mountain, even for an early morning. No birds chirping, no wind howling. Everything is drowned out by fog gliding through the tree lines and across the ground. The world only exists a few feet in front, before it disappears into the grey again. Here in the heart of the Fae land on Slieve Annaloughan, the lines between dreaming and reality are fading. Behind the veil Spirits are rushing. The mountainkeepers stand tall and present. In the cold ground, a subtle energy runs through the earth, like an electric charge shaking what lies below. Soon the seeds will break open the surface, and what once was hidden in the shadows will grow into the light. If you’d put your ear to the ground, you could hear roots stretching and seeds crackling. The air is tense with excitement for this new energy to arrive. This is the Imbolg - the in-between time close to the turning of the wheel from winter into spring. It is a portal-like energy that offers us a doorway into a new beginning, and a chance to choose a new story-line over an old ending. This is the time of Brigid.

During the Imbolg, Brigid essence is deeply tangible in the Cooley lands, her birthplace and cradle. It brushes over the mountains like a veil, and whatever it touches emerges in hope and assurance for something new. Brigid is the representation of empowerment, and the power of the Dreaming. Her light pivots against the false dogmas of unworthiness we keep cultivating. It rebels against the belief that our dreams are possibilities reserved only for a lucky few who earned it.

When in truth, the Dreaming is how our world has come into being, and continues to exist. It is an unavoidable consequence of our physical and energetic reality. Every desire, thought and feeling – if energized enough – materializes into physical form. Just like the seeds in the soil will sprout and Spring will arrive, so will, at the right time, our dreams become reality. The Imbolc is a great time to start flipping the script on our dysfunctional believe systems, and realize that we all have the ability to dream our world into being. Every tomorrow is created as the consequence of today’s actions and intentions. After all, we are the living manifestations of our ancestor’s dreaming. It is time to realize our responsibility toward our communities and future generations to continue the dreaming of a better world.

Brigid is the Archetype we adopt in the moment when we become the heroes of our own stories. For this we have to give up the notion that something greater than ourselves has the answers to our healing. We carry within us an innate ability to withstand the storms and to create a better tomorrow. It does not matter how big the contrast we are facing is, we only need to begin to believe in our magnificence. Because from that point onward, a subtle “no” in our energy field draws boundaries between what is meant for us and what isn’t.

Brigid’s essence is the electric charge awakening these realizations within our consciousness, and within our communities. Once more we are gifted a chance to mould a new standard of what worthiness in our world means. This is the true power of the dreaming.

May this be the year to fiercely look upon our true reflections with reverence and fascination. It is a great time to be daring.

Blessed Imbolc!

Photos: Slieve Annaloughan, Cooley Mountains, Co. Louth, Ireland. January 2023

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