The Portal

Welcome to The Portal.

Behind it, you’ll find life advice and teachings on how to navigate this thing called life. Empowerment begins with understanding that you have a say in how your life plays out.

This is your space if you are ready to face yourself and break the pattern. You are invited to step through.

Hannah Gauss Hannah Gauss

The beauty of neglected spaces

There is beauty in neglected spaces; the kind that needs to be uncovered to be seen. The ones often missed, because neglected spaces rarely feel comfortable to be in. They are notorious score-keepers of every disempowering decision we have made in recent history. And so, sometimes it requires a little chaos to swirl up the real intentions we covered up with routine.

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Hannah Gauss Hannah Gauss

I met death on a Sunday.

I have met death in many disguises, but never the same way twice. The last time was on 5th March at eight-thirty pm. Death came quietly, and with more love than I ever felt in my entire life.

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Hannah Gauss Hannah Gauss

On letting go

Grieving is something we can learn. Grief is not just for death, but includes anything we loose that has great meaning to us. Read this if need a new perspective on letting go.

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Hannah Gauss Hannah Gauss

Building Airplanes while flying them

This is a message to all my fellow recovering perfectionist. For all those waiting for the right conditions and sufficient knowledge to start.

For all those that make sure the way is clear before venturing out.

All those that often pull out from launching their project because they feel like: “who am I to do this?”.

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